Portail de la ville
de Crillon-le-Brave

VoicEU Project


VoicEU Project
Le 23/12/2017
   Crillon-le-Brave (84410)

Participation de notre Association au prijet VoicEU project de la municipalite de Taormina - Sicile


 VoicEU Project 

Value the Voice of Citizens for Understanding Euroscepticism” 

Reference Program: 


Strand2: Democratic engagement and civic participation 

2.2: Network of Towns 


- Applicant: Municipality of Taormina (Italy) 

- Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

- Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

- Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

- Conselleria de Politica Social - Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

- Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

- IRAN (Slovakia) 

- Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

- Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

- Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

- Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

- Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

- Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

- ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

- Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Description of the project/Summary: 

The Municipality of Taormina (IT) has promoted a project titled “Value the Voice of Citizens for understanding Euroscepticism - VoicEU” in the field of Europe for Citizens, 2.2 Networks of Towns, with the involvement of Local bodies and CSOs coming from IT, HR, LV, LT, ES, SK, HU, RS, RO, BG, MK, PT, FR and EL with the aim to strength their cooperation on thematic axes, all linked by the key word of “Euroscepticism”. 

The project has been focused on understanding and debating Euroscepticism by the point of view of citizens and young people. It has become a reality that requires further examination, debate and understanding also on the eve of the Roma Treaties of 1957 and in this period in which there is a debate about the future of free circulation guarantee by Schengen. The participants have been called to propose and investigate for a full definition of Euroscepticism trough this main questions: Who are those who question Europe and what is behind this new cleavage? Because they do not feel represented? What are their demands? What are the challenges that the EU will face in the ongoing process of the European integration? How can we fight Euroscepticism if there is not a story of Europe, alternative to the economic and bureaucratic reading? 

The project brought together citizens, local administration, experts and representatives of the civil society to discuss and compare during 5 different transnational thematic events, each of them developing and debating around one specific resource deemed essential for the good understanding of Euroscepticism. 

Event 1 Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Dates from 12 to 15 March 2017 

Event 2 Taormina (Italy) Dates from 22 to 25 June 2017 

Event 3 Budapest (Hungary) Dates from 22 to 25 September 2017 

Event 4 Sofia (Bulgaria) Dates from 30 Nov to 3 December 2017 

Event 5 Thessaloniki (Greece) Dates from 14 to 17 December 2017 

The activities have been scheduled with: Thematic Conferences, Capacity Building, Debate and Comparison, Interactive workshop, Seminars, Visits, Interviews Radio/Talk show, Street events, Press conferences, Storytelling of UE, Evaluation, Dissemination and Networking for the Future. This active commitment had also fostered a sense of ownership of the EU policies and promoted active participation, to build a tighter-knit Europe, according to the principles of active citizenship and participatory democracy. The project involved a big number of participants direct and indirect, and the impact on the local realities where the activities have been made was huge. Therefore, participants have been encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete future proposals. 


 The project «Value the Voice of Citizens for Understanding Euroscepticism» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme Europe for Citizens 

Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 Networks of Towns 


 The project «Value the Voice of Citizens for Understanding Euroscepticism», Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 Networks of Towns, 5 events have been carried out as following: 

Venue(s) of the activities: 

Event 1 - Venue of Activities: Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Dates from 12 to 15 March 2017 

Event 2 - Venue of Activities: Taormina (Italy) Dates from 21 to 24 June 2017 

Event 3 - Venue of Activities: Budapest (Hungary) Dates from 22 to 25 September 2017 

Event 4 - Venue of Activities: Sofia (Bulgaria) Dates from 30 November to 3 December 2017 

Event 5 - Venue of Activities: Thessaloniki (Greece), Dates from 14 to 17 December 2017 

Event 1


 Participation: The event involved 72 citizens, the number of local participants who attended the event was 29 and the number of international participants was 43, including 29 local participants from the city of Santiago de Compostela, Conselleria de Política Social - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) and 43 International participants as following: 

7 participants from the city of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

2 participants from the city of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

2 participants from the city of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

2 participants from the city of Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

3 participants from the city of Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

3 participants from the city of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

3 participants from the city of Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

3 participants from the city of Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

3 participants from the city of ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

3 participants from the city of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

3 participants from the city of Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

3 participants from the city of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

3 participants from the city of IRAN (Slovakia) 

3 participants from the city of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), from 12/03/02017 to 15/03/2017. 

Short description: The aim of the event was to the Official opening and Presentation of the Networks of towns VoicEU project, European Conferences with discussions and debates on the main topic regarding Euroscepticism and sub thematics as scheduled: “Citizens and the EU: from permissive consensus to the euroscepticism”, The Cleavage Europe”. 

The first event, held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), was conducted thought Thematic Conferences, Round Table, Debate and Comparison, Interactive workshop, Seminars, Visits of the territory, Interviews/Talk show, Press conferences, Storytelling of UE with the schools, Evaluation, Dissemination and Networking for the Future. 

The activities scheduled fostered a sense of ownership of the EU policies and promoted active participation, to build a tighter-knit Europe, according to the principles of active citizenship and participatory democracy. All participants were actively involved in the development of a constructive dialogue on the topics, creating open debates and discussions through moments of question time and non-formal activities. It was kept in constant consideration the principle of non-discrimination, with particular attention to the inclusion of difficult groups and disadvantaged people. 

The activities aimed to reflect the needs and requirements of the participants, in line with the general and specific objectives of the program and the project, to promote new strategies in active participation of citizens, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, participation in the democratic process, debate on the Future of EU and social cohesion. 

Therefore, participants have been encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete future proposals. At the closure of the event there was a final Evaluation and group reflection in order to receive the feedback from the participants. 

12 March 2017 THURSDAY - 1st Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

1st Conference / 1st Session – at Instalaciones de Consellería de Educación y Cultura en Santiago de Compostela 

9,30: Registration of the participants. 

10,00: Official Opening of the 1st Conference 

Moderator: Gianluca Santisi, Journalist and European Communicator. 

Institutional Greetings by: 

José Manuel Rey Varela, Conselleiro de Politica Social, Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Mario D’Agostino, Vice Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy). 

Opening of the Network of Town - Presentation of the project, activities and Network 

In this specific session, it was presented the project, the activities and the peculiarities of the Municipalities and Territories of the Partners. 

Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) illustrated the Project, the objectives and the strategic direction of the Network. 


Fernando Rodriguez Castro, Conselleria de Política Social Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Leonard Soare, President of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Isidro Figueiredo, Mayor of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Papp Andrea, Inštitúcia regionálnych aktivít Novohradu (Slovakia) 

Antanas Bagdonas, Municipality of Kaunas district (Lithuania) 

Evija Zurģe, Mayor of Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

János Beszkid, Mayor of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Srdjan Budimcic, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Thérèse de Gantès-Bischel, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Konstantinos Tsompanakis, Vice-Mayor of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Evgeni Yolovski, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Darko Fištrović, Mayor of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Lazar Gazepov, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

 12.00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12:30: moment of Question time / public Debate about the issues under discussion.


I^ step of the construction of a Digital storytelling with students and participants, in order to build an account of the EU, through a chronological narration of the various stages of the community process. 

Visit of the city of Santiago de Compostela. 

13 March 2017 FRIDAY – 2nd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

1st Conference / 2nd Session – at Palacio Municipal de la Villa de Noia 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Workshop Citizens and the EU: from permissive consensus to the euroscepticism? 

Moderator: Gianluca Santisi, Journalist European Communicator 

Institutional Greetings by 

Santiago Freire Abeijón, Mayor of Noia Municipality (Spain) 

Gaetano Carella, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 


Brocato Salvatore, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Jesús María Gamallo Aller, Director Xeral de Relaciones Exteriores y con la Unión Europea, Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Ana Vorovenci, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Isidro Figueiredo, Mayor of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Sándor Papp, Inštitúcia regionálnych aktivít Novohradu (Slovakia) 

Igor Chapov,, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Tünde László, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Edita Stankeviciene, NGO Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Interviews/Talk show Communicate Europe, with the direct participation of Eurosceptic and pro EU politicians, with the aim of creating a forum for debate and discussion with the public and understand affinities and divergent positions. 

Visit of the City of Noia and at Frinsa La Conservera – Seafood Farm 

14 March 2017 SATURDAY – 3rd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

1st Conference / 3rd Session - at Instalaciones del Instituto Teológico Compostelano. Seminario Mayor - Santiago de Compostela 

09.00: Registration of the participants 

09.30: Opening of the Conference 

Round Table The Cleavage Europe 

Moderator: Gianluca Santisi, Journalist European Communicator 

Institutional Greetings by 

Cecilia Vasquez Suarez, Directora General de Juventud, Participacion y Voluntariado, Conselleria de Política Social - Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Mario D’Agostino, Vice Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 


Nunzio Corvaia, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

José Manuel Neira Picallo, Conselleria de Política Social – Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Miljana Rados, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

    Thérèse de Gantès-Bischel, President of ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Maria Liozidou, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Rita Merca, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Mariela Goronova, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Darko Fištrović, Mayor of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

 12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Ide@ction - New Ideas Proposal, a space dedicated to the development of new ideas, to develop new proposals for the future and strengthen the European cooperation network. 

Final Evaluation and group reflection 

Event 2 

Participation: The event involved 75 citizens, the number of local participants who attended the event was 49 and the number of international participants was 26, including 40 local participants from the city of Taormina Municipality (Italy) and 9 participants from the Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) and 26 International participants as following: 

3 participants from the city of Santiago de Compostela, Conselleria de Política Social - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) 

2 participants from the city of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

2 participants from the city of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

1 participants from the city of Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

2 participants from the city of Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

2 participants from the city of ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

2 participants from the city of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

2 participants from the city of IRAN (Slovakia) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Taormina (Italy), from 21/06/2017 to 24/06/2017 

Short description: The aim of the event was to the Signature of the Brotherhood Pact, European Conferences with discussions and debates on the main topic regarding Euroscpticism and sub thematics as following: “Europe, Communication and Codes”, “Europe of the rules and the Europe of the people?” 

The second event, held in Taormina (Italy), was conducted thought Thematic Conferences, Round Table, Debate and Comparison, Interactive workshop, Seminars, Visits of the territory, Interviews/Talk show, Press conferences, Storytelling of UE with the schools, Evaluation, Dissemination and Networking for the Future. 

The activities scheduled fostered a sense of ownership of the EU policies and promoted active participation, to build a tighter-knit Europe, according to the principles of active citizenship and participatory democracy. All participants were actively involved in the development of a constructive dialogue on the topics, creating open debates and discussions through moments of question time and non-formal activities. It was kept in constant consideration the principle of non-discrimination, with particular attention to the inclusion of difficult groups and disadvantaged people. 

The activities aimed to reflect the needs and requirements of the participants, in line with the general and specific objectives of the program and the project, to promote new strategies in active participation of citizens, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, participation in the democratic process, debate on the Future of EU and social cohesion. 

Therefore, participants have been encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete future proposals. There was specific moment of discussion about the tools of dissemination of the project’s results. At the closure of the event there was a final Evaluation and group reflection in order to receive the feedback from the participants. 

22 June 2017 THURSDAY - 1st Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

2nd Conference / 1st Session – at Council Room of Taormina Municipality – Corso Umberto. 

9,30: Registration of the participants. 

10,00: Opening of the Conference 

Seminary “Europe, Communication and Codes” 

Moderator: Gianluca Santisi, Journalist European Communicator 

Institutional Greetings by 

Antonio D’Aveni, President of the Council of Taormina Municipality 

Eligio Giardina, Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 


Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager - Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Ana Vorovenci, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Antonio Isidro Figueiredo, Mayor of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Sándor Papp, Inštitúcia regionálnych aktivít Novohradu (Slovakia) 

Robert Donev, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Chantal Rodriguez Giner, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Rita Merca, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Andreja Bogdan, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 


12.00: Conclusion of the daily Session by Raneri Pina, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

12:30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


II^ step of the construction of a Digital storytelling with students and participants, in order to build an account of the EU, through a chronological narration of the various stages of the community process. 

Visit of the city of Taormina. 

23 June 2017 FRIDAY – 2nd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

2nd Conference / 2nd Session – at Council Room 

10.00: Opening of the Town Twinning Ceremony: Signature of the Brotherhood Agreement- Execution of National and European Anthems. 

Institutional Speeches of the Mayors of the Municipalities involved, at the presence of several Mayors of the province of Messina, Civil and Military Authorities. 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager 

Town Twinning Ceremony 

Eligio Giardina, Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

José Manuel Neira Picallo, Conselleria de Política Social - Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Konstantinos Tsompanakis, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Komitski Petar, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Valentina Valjak, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Leonard Soare, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Antonio Isidro Figueiredo, Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Igor Chapov, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Linda Zudina-Sivko, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

János Beszkid, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Andrea Papp, Inštitúcia regionálnych aktivít Novohradu (Slovakia) 

Marko Kelember, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

Jean-Christophe Frament, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Edita Stankeviciene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session by Antonio D’Aveni, President of the Council of Taormina Municipality 


Interviews/Radio talk show Communicate Europe, with the direct participation of Eurosceptic and pro EU politicians, with the aim of creating a forum for debate and discussion with the public and understand affinities and divergent positions. 

Visit of the City of Giardini Naxos. 

24 June 2017 SATURDAY – 3rd Day of Conference – from 16.00 to 19.00 

2nd Conference / 3rd Session - at Council Room 

15.00: Registration of the participants 

15.30: Opening of the Conference 

Workshop Europe of the rules and the Europe of the people? 

Moderator: Gianluca Santisi, Journalist European Communicator 

Institutional Greetings by 

Cilona Salvatore, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality 


Fernando Rodríguez Castro, Conselleria de Política Social - Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Ivana Knezevic, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Maria Liozidou, DIMOS NEAS PROPONTIDAS (Greece) 

Anna Katalin Bobaly, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Mariela Goronova, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Carlo Mastroeni, Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

Edita Stankeviciene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session by Carella Gaetano, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Ide@ction - New Ideas Proposal, a space dedicated to the development of new ideas, to develop new proposals for the future and strengthen the European cooperation network. 

Final Evaluation and group reflection. 

Event 3 

Participation: The event involved 70 citizens, the number of local participants who attended the event was 33 and the number of international participants was 37, including 33 local participants from the city of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) and 37 International participants as following: 

8 participants from the city of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

3 participants from the city of Santiago de Compostela, Conselleria de Política Social - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) 

2 participants from the city of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

2 participants from the city of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

1 participants from the city of Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

2 participants from the city of Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

3 participants from the city of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

2 participants from the city of ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

2 participants from the city of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

4 participants from the city of IRAN (Slovakia) 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Budapest (Hungary), from 22/09/2017 to 25/09/2017 

Short description: The aim of the event was to discuss and debate during the European Conferences, Seminar, interactive workshop and round table on the main topic regarding Euroscpticism and sub thematics as following: “The 60th Anniversary of Roma’s Treaties”, The BREXIT question: What’s Next...?, “Overcoming Euro-Skepticism through Europe of the Citizens”. 

The third event, held in Budapest (Hungary), was conducted thought Thematic Conferences, Round Table, Debate and Comparison, Interactive workshop, Seminars, Visits of the territory, Interviews/Talk show, Press conferences, Storytelling of UE with the schools, Evaluation, Dissemination and Networking for the Future. 

The activities scheduled fostered a sense of ownership of the EU policies and promoted active participation, to build a tighter-knit Europe, according to the principles of active citizenship and participatory democracy. All participants were actively involved in the development of a constructive dialogue on the topics, creating open debates and discussions through moments of question time and non-formal activities. It was kept in constant consideration the principle of non-discrimination, with particular attention to the inclusion of difficult groups and disadvantaged people. 

The activities aimed to reflect the needs and requirements of the participants, in line with the general and specific objectives of the program and the project, to promote new strategies in active participation of citizens, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, participation in the democratic process, debate on the Future of EU and social cohesion. 

Therefore, participants have been encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete future proposals. At the closure of the event there was a final Evaluation and group reflection in order to receive the feedback from the participants. 

22 September 2017 FRIDAY - 1st Day of Conference – from 16.00 to 19.00 

3rd Conference / 1st Session – at Italian Cultural Institute - Budapest, Bródy Sándor utca 8, Room Szőnyi Triznya 

15,30: Registration of the participants. 

16,00: Opening of the Conference 

Round Table The 60th Anniversary of Roma’s Treaties 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Gian Luca Borghese, Director of Italian Cultural Institute in Budapest 

Eligio Giardina, Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 



Bella Mihàly, Member of Parliament FIDESZ (Hungary) 

Beatrice Briguglio, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Bobály Anna, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Fernando Rodríguez Castro, Dinamizador Juvenil, Dirección General de Juventud, Participación y Voluntariado - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) 

Tokár Géza, IRAN (Slovakia) 

António Isidro Figueiredo, Mayor of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Edita Stankeviciene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

Linda Zudina-Sivko, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Konstantinos Tsompanakis, Vice Mayor of DIMOS NEAS PROPONTIDAS (Greece) 

Robert Donev, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Mariela Goronova, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 


18.00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

18:30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 

23 September 2017 Saturday – 2nd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

3rd Conference / 2nd Session – at Mercure Budapest Korona Hotel. Kecskeméti utca 14 (Budapest) 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Workshop The BREXIT question: What’s Next...? 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Gaetano Carella, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Samu Istvàn, MKP Presidency Representative (Slovakia) 


Bobály Anna, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Giovanni Carmelo Leonardi, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Leonard Soare, President of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Marko Kelember, President of Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Chantal Rodriguez Giner, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Angela Fernandes, Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Maria Liozidou, DIMOS NEAS PROPONTIDAS (Greece) 

Petar Danchev, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Darko Fištrović, Mayor of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

Sashko Bojadjiev, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


III^ step of the construction of a Digital storytelling with students and participants to the Italian Cultural Institute in Budapest, in order to build an account of the EU, through a chronological narration of the various stages of the community process. 

Visit of the city of and of the Parliament of Budapest. 

24 September 2017 Sunday – 3rd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

3rd Conference / 3rd Session - Mercure Budapest Korona Hotel. Kecskeméti utca 14 (Budapest) 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Seminary Overcoming Euro-Skepticism through Europe of the Citizens” 

Moderator: Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Eligio Giardina, Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

János Beszkid, Mayor of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 


Cecilia Vazquez Suarez, Directora General de Juventud, Participación y Voluntariado - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) 

Bobály Anna, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Linda Zudina-Sivko, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Ana Vorovenci, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Ivana Knezevic, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Valentina Valjak, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

José Giner, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Papp Sándor, IRAN (Slovakia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session by Andrea Papp, IRAN (Slovakia) 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Ide@ction - New Ideas Proposal, a space dedicated to the development of new ideas, to develop new proposals for the future and strengthen the European cooperation network. 

Final Evaluation and group reflection. 

Event 4 

Participation: The event involved 75 citizens, the number of local participants who attended the event was 40 and the number of international participants was 35, including 40 local participants from the city of Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) and 35 International participants as following: 

9 participants from the city of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

3 participants from the city of Santiago de Compostela, Conselleria de Política Social - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) 

2 participants from the city of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

2 participants from the city of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

1 participants from the city of Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

2 participants from the city of Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

2 participants from the city of ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

3 participants from the city of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

1 participants from the city of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

2 participants from the city of IRAN (Slovakia) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Sofia (Bulgaria), from 30/11/2017 to 3/12/2017. 

Short description: The aim of the event was to discuss and debate during the European Conferences, Seminar, interactive workshop and round table on the main topic regarding Euroscpticism and sub thematics as following: “Europe over the crisis”, “The European Union, an incomplete construction”, “Who are the Europeans”. 

The four event, held in Sofia (Bulgaria), was conducted thought Thematic Conferences, Round Table, Debate and Comparison, Interactive workshop, Seminars, Visits of the territory, Interviews/Talk show, Press conferences, Storytelling of UE with the schools, Evaluation, Dissemination and Networking for the Future. 

The activities scheduled fostered a sense of ownership of the EU policies and promoted active participation, to build a tighter-knit Europe, according to the principles of active citizenship and participatory democracy. All participants were actively involved in the development of a constructive dialogue on the topics, creating open debates and discussions through moments of question time and non-formal activities. It was kept in constant consideration the principle of non-discrimination, with particular attention to the inclusion of difficult groups and disadvantaged people. 

The activities aimed to reflect the needs and requirements of the participants, in line with the general and specific objectives of the program and the project, to promote new strategies in active participation of citizens, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, participation in the democratic process, debate on the Future of EU and social cohesion. 

Therefore, participants have been encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete future proposals. At the closure of the event there was a final Evaluation and group reflection in order to receive the feedback from the participants. 

30 November 2017 Thursday - 1st Day of Conference – from 16.00 to 19.00 

4th Conference / 1st Session – at Hotel Sveta Sofia 18, Pirotska str.,Sofia 1301,Bulgaria, Serdika Room 

15,30: Registration of the participants 

16,00: Opening of the Conference 

Seminary Europe over the crisis” 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Salvatore Cilona, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Peter Danchev, Mayor of the Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 


Beatrice Briguglio, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Mariela Goronova, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

José Manuel Neira Picallo, Conselleria de Política Social – Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Ivana Knezevic, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Angela Fernandes, Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Joëlle Perault, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Sashko Bojadjiev, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

Ana Vorovenci, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Gita Feldmane, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 


18.00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

18:30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 

1 December 2017 Friday – 2nd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

4th Conference / 2nd Session – at Hotel Sveta Sofia 18, Pirotska str.,Sofia 1301,Bulgaria, Serdika Room 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Workshop The European Union, an incomplete construction” 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Antonio D’Aveni, President of the Council of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Miroslav Komitski, Deputy governor of Vratsa District 

Marco Montecchi, Presindent of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria 


Liliana Tona, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Peter Komitski, Chairman of the Municipal Council of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Marko Kelember, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Chantal Rodriguez Giner, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Beszkid János , Mayor of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Maria Liozidou, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Ivan Biskup, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

Papp Sándor, IRAN (Slovakia) 

Inês Lamego, Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Edita Stankeviciene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Interviews/Talk show Communicate Europe, with the direct participation of Eurosceptic and pro EU politicians, with the aim of creating a forum for debate and discussion with the public and understand affinities and divergent positions. 

Meeting with the President, Marco Montecchi and General Director, Rosa Cusumano, at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Sofia. 

2 December 2017 Saturday – 3rd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

4th Conference / 3rd Session – at Hotel Sveta Sofia 18, Pirotska str.,Sofia 1301,Bulgaria, Serdika Room 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Round Table Who are the Europeans 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Gaetano Carella, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Peter Komitski, Chairman of the Municipal Councilof Krivodol (Bulgaria) 


Giuseppe Composto, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Peter Danchev, Mayor of the Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Maria Liozidou, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Leonard Soare, President of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

János Beszkid, Mayor of the Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Valentina Valjak, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Fernando Rodríguez Castro, Conselleria de Política Social – Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Papp Sándor, IRAN (Slovakia) 

Linda Zudina-Sivko, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Robert Donev, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Edita Stankeviciene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Ide@ction - New Ideas Proposal, a space dedicated to the development of new ideas, to develop new proposals for the future and strengthen the European cooperation network. 

Final Evaluation and group reflection. 

Event 5 

Participation: The event involved 70 citizens, the number of local participants who attended the event was 38 and the number of international participants was 32, including 38 local participants from the city of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) and 32 International participants as following: 

4 participants from the city of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

3 participants from the city of Santiago de Compostela, Conselleria de Política Social - XUNTA DE GALICIA (Spain) 

2 participants from the city of Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

2 participants from the city of Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

2 participants from the city of Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

3 participants from the city of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 

2 participants from the city of Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

2 participants from the city of ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

2 participants from the city of IRAN (Slovakia) 

2 participants from the city of Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Location / Dates: The event took place in Thessaloniki and in Neas Propontidas (Greece), from 14/12/2017 to 17/12/2017 

Short description: The aim of the last event was to discuss and debate during the European Conferences, Seminar, interactive workshop and round table on the future of the Networks, Dissemination of the results, and about the main topic regarding Euroscpticism and sub thematics as scheduled: Discovering European Values: An Effort of Creativity and Trust”, “Preparing for the 2019 European Elections”, “Between Europeanism and Eurosceptic Populism” 

The last event, held in Thessaloniki (Greece), was conducted thought Thematic Conferences, Round Table, Debate and Comparison, Interactive workshop, Seminars, Visits of the territory, Interviews/Talk show, Press conferences, Storytelling of UE with the schools, Evaluation, Dissemination and Networking for the Future. 

The activities scheduled fostered a sense of ownership of the EU policies and promoted active participation, to build a tighter-knit Europe, according to the principles of active citizenship and participatory democracy. All participants were actively involved in the development of a constructive dialogue on the topics, creating open debates and discussions through moments of question time and non-formal activities. It was kept in constant consideration the principle of non-discrimination, with particular attention to the inclusion of difficult groups and disadvantaged people. 

The activities aimed to reflect the needs and requirements of the participants, in line with the general and specific objectives of the program and the project, to promote new strategies in active participation of citizens, cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, participation in the democratic process, debate on the Future of EU and social cohesion. 

Therefore, participants have been encouraged to exchange opinions and best practices with the aim to formulate new ideas and concrete future proposals. There were specific moment of discussion about the tools of dissemination of the project’s results. At the closure of the event there was a final Evaluation and group reflection in order to receive the feedback from the participants. 

14 December 2017 Thursday - 1st Day of Conference – from 17.00 to 20.00 

5th Conference / 1st Session – at Holiday Inn Monastiriou, 8 Thessaloniki (Greece) 

16,30: Registration of the participants. 

17,00: Opening of the Conference 

Round Table Discovering European Values: An Effort of Creativity and Trust” 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Eligio Giardina, Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Konstantinos Tsompanakis, Vice Mayor of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 


Beatrice Briguglio, Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Elisavet Papoulidou, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Beszkid János, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

José Manuel Neira Picallo, Conselleria de Política Social – Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Andrea Papp, IRAN (Slovakia) 

Igor Capov, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Edita Stankeviciene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 

Leonard Soare, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Linda Zudina-Sivko, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 


19.00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

19.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 

15 December 2017 Friday – 2nd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

5th Conference / 2nd Session – at Cultural Center of Nea Triglia in Nea Propontida 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Seminary “Preparing for the 2019 European Elections” 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Institutional Greetings by 

Eligio Giardina, Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Emmanouil Karras, Mayor of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 


Maria Liozidou, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Mariela Goronova, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Fernando Rodríguez Castro, Conselleria de Política Social – Xunta de Galicia (Spain) 

Ana Vorovenci, Mountain Community Iezer Muscel Association (Romania) 

Ivana Knezevic, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Joëlle Perault, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Angela Fernandes, Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Krunoslav Durec, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Nerija Baltreniene, Non-formal learning club WE, Kauno district (Lithuania) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Final step of the construction of a Digital storytelling with the Presentation of the works conducting during the itinerant events with the students of Nea Triglia Lyceum, in order to build a chronological narration of the various stages of the community process. 

Visit of the city of Dimos Nea Propontidas. 

16 December 2017 Saturday – 3rd Day of Conference – from 10.00 to 13.00 

5th Conference / 3rd Session – at Holiday Inn Monastiriou, 8 Thessaloniki (Greece) 

09.30: Registration of the participants 

10.00: Opening of the Conference 

Moderator: Beatrice Briguglio, European Project Manager (Italy) 

Workshop Between Europeanism and Eurosceptic Populism 

Institutional Greetings by 

Pina Raneri, Deputy Mayor of Taormina Municipality (Italy) 

Konstantinos Tsompanakis, Vice Mayor of Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 


Maria Liozidou, Dimos Neas Propontidas (Greece) 

Ventislav Goranov, Municipality of Krivodol (Bulgaria) 

Didzis Blūms, Municipality of Rauna (Latvia) 

Lazar Gazepov, Municipality of Radovis (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) 

Inês Dias Lamego, Câmara Municipal de Oliveira de Azeméis (Portugal) 

Srdjan Budimcic, Irig Moj Grad (Serbia) 

Valentina Valjak, Municipality of Gornja Rijeka (Croatia) 

Beszkid János, Municipality of Rimoc (Hungary) 

Chantal Rodriguez Giner, ACRTS Crillon le Brave (France) 

Bobály Anna, IRAN (Slovakia) 

Carlo Mastroeni, President of Centro Studi di Cultura Europea (Italy) 


12:00: Conclusion of the daily Session 

12.30: Question time / public Debate, questions about the issues under discussion 


Ide@ction - New Ideas Proposal, a space dedicated to the development of new ideas, to develop new proposals for the future and strengthen the European cooperation network. 

Questionnaire of Final Evaluation. 

Future of the Networks. Dissemination and visibility plan in order to develop a wide, realistic and planned action of Communication, Valorisation of results in the respective areas of competence, in order to reach the widest possible audience. 








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